
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Universal Vise


T’S COMMON FOR WOODWORKERSto mount an engineer’s vise on a
block of wood so it can be clamped in a woodworking vise and
used to hold a piece of metal. To extend the clamping range of the
vise-in-a-vise concept, choose a small engineering vise with a pivoting
base, and bolt it to a 2-in.-square hardwood post that extends about
5 in. beyond the vise. This allows you to vary the position of the post
in the carpenter’s vise to obtain an almost unlimited number of
clamping angles.
—A. D. GOODE,Sapphire, N.S.W., Australia


Pivoting vise
mounted on a
long base block
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