
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Plane-Iron Honing Tool


ERE’S A SIMPLE,INEXPENSIVEjig for honing slotted plane irons.
Just attach a 4-in.-long,^3 ⁄ 8 -in. or^7 ⁄ 16 -in. carriage bolt to the iron,
as shown in the sketch below. The round head of the bolt slides easily
on the bench, maintaining a constant honing angle. For fine adjust-
ment or for honing microbevels, you can shim the stone, or twist the
bolt up or down a hair.
—PAULWEISSMAN,Centerville, Ohio

Nail Polish Shows Honing Progress


PPLY A THIN COATof nail polish to the cutting edge of chisels
and plane irons before sharpening. The wear pattern in the color
will give you direct feedback about the sharpening angle and honing
—HOWA R DE. MOODY,Upper Jay, N.Y.

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