
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Hazardless Honing


ERE IS A SIMPLE COMBINATIONstorage box and jig that will
enable you to use your oilstones more effectively and safely.
What makes the box unique is a wide tongue cut into the bottom. In
use, the tongue is secured in a woodworking vise, ensuring a stable,
firm foundation for the oilstone.
To make the box, cut blocks for the base and cover from any hard-
wood. Use a drill press with a multispur or Forstner bit to remove
most of the waste. The cavity in the base should be about half as deep
as the stone. The cavity in the cover should be^1 ⁄ 16 in. or so deeper to
provide clearance. Chop out the remaining waste with a chisel, making
sure the stone fits snug in the base and doesn’t rock. To complete the
box, saw away the bottom corners of the base to leave the tongue.
—ALCHING,Fullerton, Calif.


To use, clamp
tongue in vise.

An optional chamfered
edge protects knuckles.
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