Care of Japanese Sharpening Stones
HERE ARE TWO TYPESof Japanese waterstones, synthetic and
natural. Synthetic waterstones may be placed in water to soak for
10 to 20 minutes before use, which is what I do, or kept in water all
the time. Keep natural stones dry except when in use and protect
them from freezing. I always make a wooden base for my stones, as
shown in the drawing above.
Compared with oilstones, Japanese waterstones are quite soft, so
they wear more quickly. A flat stone is essential for a sharp blade, so
sharpen across the stone from corner to corner as evenly as possible
and frequently turn the stone end for end so that it wears evenly.
Narrow chisels will wear a hollow in the middle of a stone, so don’t
sharpen a wide blade on a stone that’s been used for narrow blades.
Chamfer edge
with rough stone.
Wedge locks
stone in base.