80 Chapter Four
Box 4.4 Metastability, reaction kinetics, activation energy and catalysts
Some reduced compounds appear to be
stable at Earth surface temperatures despite
the presence of atmospheric oxygen.
Graphite, for example, is a reduced form of
carbon which we might expect to react with
oxygen, i.e.:
eqn. 1
Although the reaction of oxygen with
graphite is energetically favoured, graphite
exists because the reaction is kinetically very
slow. Many natural materials are out of
equilibrium with their ambient environment
and are reacting imperceptibly slowly. These
materials are metastable. Metastability can
be demonstrated using a graph of energy in
a chemical system in which substances A and
B react to give C and D (Fig. 1). In order for
reaction to take place, A and B must come
into close association and this usually requires
an input of energy (activation energy). Under
cold (low-energy) conditions a small number
of A and B will occasionally have the energy
to overcome the activation energy, but this
COCOgraphite+Æ 22 ()g ()g
will be rare and the reaction will proceed
slowly. If the energy of the reactants is
increased (e.g. by heating), then the reaction
will be able to proceed more quickly because
more A and B will have the required
activation energy.
An alternative way to increase the rate of
a reaction is to lower the activation energy.
This is done by a catalyst—a substance that
alters the rate of a chemical reaction without
itself undergoing any overall chemical
change. In our hypothetical reaction, the
catalyst acts as an intermediate compound
that allows A and B to come together more
readily. In the environment biological enzyme
systems—especially those of microorganisms—
catalyse reactions that would not otherwise
proceed spontaneously because of kinetic
inhibition. Water, strictly speaking, is not
a chemical catalyst; however its solvent
properties provide a kind of catalytic role as
an intermediary, allowing closer interaction
of ions and substances than is possible under
dry conditions.
Reaction: A + B C + D
A + B
C + D
Fig. 1Schematic representation of energy in a chemical system.