Chemistry, part of our undergraduate degree in Environmental Sciences at the
University of East Anglia. For 14 years we used the text by R.W. Raiswell, P.
Brimblecombe, D.L. Dent and P.S. Liss, Environmental Chemistry, an earlier Uni-
versity of East Anglia collaborative effort published by Edward Arnold in 1980.
The book has served well but is now dated, in part because of the many recent
exciting discoveries in environmental chemistry and also partly because the
emphasis of the subject has swung toward human concerns and timescales. We
have, however, styled parts of the new book on its ‘older cousin’, particularly
where the previous book worked well for our students.
In places the coverage of the present book goes beyond our first-year course
and leads on towards honours-year courses. We hope that the material covered
will be suitable for other introductory university and college courses in environ-
mental science, earth sciences and geography. It may also be suitable for some
courses in life and chemical sciences.
Julian Andrews, Peter Brimblecombe, Tim Jickells and Peter Liss
University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
Preface to the First Edition xiii