and alkalinity is, in this example, approximately linear, although for every mmol
of Ca^2 +, 2 mmol of HCO 3 - are released, as predicted in equation 5.12.
5.4 Aluminium solubility and acidity
Aluminium is largely insoluble during weathering processes (Table 5.1), but
becomes soluble when pH is both low and high. At the simplest level, three
aluminium species are identified; soluble Al^3 +, dominant under acid conditions,
insoluble aluminium hydroxide (Al(OH) 3 ), dominant under neutral conditions,
and Al(OH) 4 - , dominant under alkaline conditions.
eqn. 5.13
eqn. 5.14
Aluminium solubility is therefore pH-dependent and aluminium is insoluble in
the pH range 5–9, which includes most natural waters. The details of aluminium
solubility are also complicated by the formation of partially dissociated Al(OH) 3
species and complexing between aluminium and organic matter (see Box 6.4).
Although aluminium is soluble at high pH, alkaline waters are uncommon
because they absorb acid gases, for example CO 2 and SO 2 , from the atmosphere.
However, alkaline rivers with aluminium mobility are known. For example, the
industrial process for abstracting aluminium from bauxite involves leaching the
ore with strong sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solutions. In Jamaica, discharge of
wastes from bauxite processing produces freshwater streams with high pH (>8)
in addition to high sodium and aluminium concentrations. As these streamwaters
evolve, the pH falls to about 8 and the dissolved aluminium : sodium ratio declines
as the aluminium precipitates.
It is, however, acidificationof freshwaters that commonly results in aluminium
mobility resulting in ecological damage. This acidification is typically caused by
two anthropogenic processes, acid rain and acid mine drainage.
Al OH() 3 ()s ªAl^3 ()aq+ + 3 OH()-aq
Al OH() 34 ()s+OH()aq ªAl OH()-
The Chemistry of Continental Waters 155
eqn. 16
(see also Box 3.7), and so:
eqn. 17
Now equation 13 can be rewritten:
eqn. 18
Consider the case of the Mackenzie River,
where HCO 3 - =1.8 mmol l-^1 (Table 5.2) and
atmospheric pCO 2 =3.6¥ 10 -^4 atm:
aH+- aHCOCOmol l
- =¥ 1064 1014 ¥^2 -
.. p 1
- =¥ 1064 1014 ¥^2 -
aHCO 23 =¥ 10 -^14. pCO 2
mol l atm
14 1 1
= ---
. eqn. 19
eqn. 20
Although this treatment is simplified,
it serves to illustrate the way in which
pH can be calculated. In practice the pH
of most natural water containing HCO 3 -
and CO 32 - is buffered between pH 7
and 9.
pH=-log 10 aH+-=-log 10 32 10.¥^9 = 849.
mol l
+- ---
=¥ =¥
(^1010) 18 103 6 10
10 0 008 3 2 10
64 14 3 4
64 9 1