An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry

(Rick Simeone) #1


The Oceans

6.1 Introduction

The oceans are by far the largest reservoir of the hydrosphere (see Fig. 1.4) and
have existed for at least 3.8 billion years. Life on Earth probably began in sea-
water and the oceans are important in moderating global temperature changes.
Rivers draining continental land areas carry both dissolved and particulate matter
to the oceans and the average input of dissolved major ions can be estimated by
considering the input from some of the rivers with the largest discharges (see
Section 5.2). The transport of particulate matter to the oceans depends on both
the discharge and the supply of suspended sediment. Some large rivers such as
those in central Africa carry rather small amounts of sediment because of the
relatively low relief and dry climates in the catchments (Fig. 6.1). By contrast,
rapidly eroding areas of South East Asia carry a disproportionate volume of sed-
iment compared to the volume of water, due to high relief and heavy rainfall in
the catchments (Fig. 6.1). Much of this sediment falls to the seafloor, usually in
estuaries and on continental shelves, although in some parts of the ocean where
the shelf area is small, this material may reach deep-sea environments. Most river-
water enters the oceans through estuaries and here freshwater mixes with sea-
water. The chemical composition of seawater is quite different from that of
freshwater, a difference that affects the transport of some dissolved and particu-
late components. In addition, humans often perturb the natural chemistry of
coastal areas, either through contamination of the freshwater runoff, or due to
activities located close to estuaries and shallow seas.
We begin this chapter by examining the chemistry of seawater close to conti-
nental areas, in the transition zone between terrestrial and open-ocean environ-
ments, before moving on to discuss open-ocean environments.
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