An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry

(Rick Simeone) #1
Allowance for ion pairing indicates that about 90% of the calcium in seawater is
present as the free ion with the remainder present as CaSO 40 and CaHCO 3 +ion
pairs. For CO 32 - it is calculated that only about 10% exists as the free ion with
the remainder in ion pairs with Mg^2 +, Ca^2 +and Na+. Applying these corrections
decreases the IAP in the following way:
eqn. 6.8
Now the calculation of saturation state becomes:

eqn. 6.9

On this basis, surface seawater in the tropics is about four times supersaturated
with respect to calcite. In practice, calculating seawater Wvalues has been sim-
plified for the environmental chemist because chemical oceanographers have
measured and modelled the combined effects of ion activity and ion pairing over
a range of pressures, temperatures and salinities (ionic strength) to yield total
activity coefficients, denoted gt(Table 6.4). Using total activity coefficients for
Ca^2 +and CO 32 - from Table 6.4, the IAP calculations (eqns. 6.5 & 6.8) now sim-
plify to:

eqn. 6.10
The calculation of saturation state is now:


mol l


=◊¥ ◊

=¥ ¥ ¥




2 32
2 32


0 01 0 214 0 00029 0 04

248 10






135 10

33 10





IAP=¥ ¥ ¥= ¥15 10....--^78 09 01 135 10 mol l^2 -^2

200 Chapter Six

Table 6.4Total activity coefficients (gt) for selected ions in surface seawater at 25°C and
salinity of 35. After Millero and Pierrot (1998) with kind permission of Kluwer Academic
Ion Measured gt Calculated gt*
Cl- 0.666 0.666
Na+ 0.668 0.664
H+ 0.590 0.581
K+ 0.625 0.619
OH- 0.255 0.263
HCO 3 - 0.570 0.574
B(OH)- 4 0.390 0.384
Mg^2 + 0.240 0.219
SO 42 - 0.104 0.102
Ca^2 + 0.203 0.214
CO 32 - 0.039 0.040
H 2 PO- 4 0.453 0.514
HPO 42 - 0.043 0.054
PO 43 - 0.00002 0.00002
* Values recommended for use in calculations.
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