An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry

(Rick Simeone) #1
system still adjusting to rapid changes in Pb^2 +input. Although it is regrettable
that humans have caused global-scale lead pollution, chemical oceanographers
can at least make use of the information as these transient pollutants act as
tracers to allow a better understand of material cycling in the oceans (see also
Box 7.1).
In the deep oceans, particle-rich hydrothermal plumes (Plate 6.1, facing p.
138), and the iron- and manganese-rich hydrothermal sediments that fall out
from them, cause intense scavenging of some elements from seawater, making
mid-ocean ridge environments important sinks for some metals. It is calculated
that the entire ocean is stripped of its reactive constituents by hydrothermal
plumes in about 2.4¥ 105 years (Table 6.5). To do this, the volume of the oceans
has to pass through the hydrothermal plumes about 100 times and this means
that scavenging in the plume is significant for elements that have oceanic resi-
dence times (Box 6.3) in excess of 10 000 years. Scavenging in the plume is a

226 Chapter Six

Table 6.10Removal fluxes of elements by hydrothermal plumes (mol yr-^1 ). Based on data in
Elderfield and Schultz (1996), with permission from the Annual Review of Earth and Planetary
Hydrothermal plume % removal of
Element removal flux River input flux river input flux
V 4.3¥ 108 5.9¥ 108 73
P 1.1¥ 1010 3.3¥ 1010 33
As 1.8¥ 108 8.8¥ 108 20
Cr 4.8¥ 107 6.3¥ 108 8

1700 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990



Cd/Ca (nmol mol 10

Florida Keys
(M. annularis)


Fig. 6.24Lead concentrations in dated year bands from a coral collected from the Florida
Keys. After Shen and Boyle (1987), with permission from Elsevier Science.
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