286 Index
carbonic acid (H 2 CO 3 ) 58 , 79, 151–2
carbonyl functional group 25
see alsoaldehydes
carbonyl sulphide (OCS) 43 , 263
released from oceans 42–3
carboxyl functional group 25 , 26, 79, 120
carboxylic acids 25 , 26
catalysts 80
catalytic reaction chains, in stratospheric O 3 chemistry
catenas 105, 106
cation exchange 195–6
cation exchange capacity 111–12, 112
low in oxisols 105
of smectite clay minerals126–7
cations 142
monovalent, divalent or trivalent 20
in seawater 183, 184
CCD seecalcite compensation depth (CCD)
CDT seeCanyon Diablo troilite (CDT) standard
CEC seecation exchange capacity
celadonite 214
cellulose 99, 100 , 102
CFCs seechlorofluorocarbon compounds (CFCs)
chain silicates 73–4, 75
chelation 199 , 199
chemical energy 93 , 96, 98
enthalpy and entropy 98
chemical equations 21–2
reversible reactions 21
chemical equilibrium 37
chemical index of alteration (CIA)
formulation of 107–8
various crustal materials 108
chemical reactions, producing secondary pollutants 48,
chemical remediation126–7, 131
chemical substances, concentration and activity 22–3
chemical symbols xviii–xix
chemical weathering 77–86
acid hydrolysis 83–4
dissolution 77
oxidation 77–83
temperature a factor in 94, 96
weathering of complex silicate minerals 84–6
chemicals, in soils 119
Chernobyl power plant accident 29
Chesapeake Bay, USA
low oxygen concentrations 162
phytoplankton blooms lead to sinking organic matter
chiral centre280–1
chiral compounds 278, 280–1
chloride 191
chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs)
274, 276
chlorine (Cl)
degassed early from Earth’s mantle as HCl 191
natural, in the stratosphere 61–2
chlorofluorocarbon compounds (CFCs) 2, 10, 10 , 42 , 45,
258, 259
absorb UV radiation 62
and destruction of ozone in the stratosphere 11, 45, 59
the ozone hole and the aerosol can 63
some decline now evident 63, 64
in the troposphere 62
chromium (Cr) 226 , 227
CIA seechemical index of alteration (CIA)
clay minerals 87–93, 212, 214
cation exchange in seawater 186
halmyrolysis 186
interlayer site holds ions weakly 92, 111
ion exchange processes on
Ca exchanged to the oceans 195–6, 196
significant removal process for Na, K and Mg 195,
mixed-layer clays 92
one to one clay mineral structure 88, 89 , 90
as sinks for some anions and cations 112
two to one clay mineral structure 88–92, 91
wider controls on formation of 104– 10
clays, deep-sea 203 , 205
changes due to elevated CO 2 level 257–62
increase in rainfall 260
rise in global sealevel 260
temperature 258, 259
influence on clay mineralogy 109, 110
influenced by changes in carbon and sulphur cycles 11
mathematical modelling, to predict temperature change
256 , 258, 259
the role of CO 2 257–62
and soil formation 94, 96–7
and the sulphur cycle 271–4
cloud condensation nuclei 272–4
co-metabolism 129
Colorado River, creation of Lake Mead upstream of the
Hoover Dam 149
composting, by Finnish sawmills 133–4
concentration, and activity 22–3, 154
in dilute solutions 37
contaminants, organic and inorganic 119
contaminated land 119–39
organic contaminants in soils 119–25
degradation of 125, 128–9, 129
phytoremediation 137–9
remediation of 129–37
contamination 1
by creosote 135–7, 138
by heavy metals 170–4
by mercury from gold mining 170–4
environmental 125, 126–7
of groundwater 159, 174–80
continental crust, upper
average chemical composition 66, 67 , 68
major cation composition compared with river water
percentage mineral composition 84, 84
continental shelf, important for carbonate deposition 201
continental waters 141–80
acidic 83
aluminium solubility and acidity 154–61