1 Addition to the environment of exotic chemicals as a result of new substances
synthesized and manufactured by industry.
2 Change to natural cycles by the addition or subtraction of existing chemicals
by normal cyclical and/or human-induced effects.
The first category of chemical change is probably easiest to understand. Some
examples of substances which are found in the environment only as a result of
human activities are given in Table 1.2 and include pesticides, such as 2,2-bis(p-
chlorophenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane (DDT), which is broken down by bacteria
in the soil to produce a number of other exotic compounds; polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs), which have many industrial uses and are slow to degrade in
the environment; tributyl tin (TBT), which is used in marine paints to inhibit
organisms from settling on the hulls of ships; many drugs; some radionuclides;
and a range of chlorofluorocarbon compounds (CFCs), which were developed for
use as aerosol propellants, as refrigerants and in the manufacture of solid foams.
The list in Table 1.2 is by no means complete. It has been calculated that the
chemical industry has synthesized several million different chemicals (mainly
organic) never previously seen on Earth. Although only a small fraction of these
chemicals are manufactured in commercial quantities, it is estimated that approx-
imately a third of the total production escapes to the environment.
The impact of these exotic substances on the environment is difficult to
predict, since there are often no similar natural compounds whose behaviour is
10 Chapter One
Table 1.2Examples of substances found in the environment only as a result of human
Name Formula Use impact
DDT (2,2-bis (p- Pesticide Unselective
chlorophenyl)- poison, concentrates
1,1,1-trichloroethane up food chain
PCBs (polychlorinated Dielectric in Resistant to
biphenyls) transformers; breakdown
hydraulic fluids carcinogens
and many other
(x are possible
TBT (tributyl tin) (CH 3 (CH 2 ) 3 ) 3 Sn Antifouling agent Affects sexual
in marine paints reproduction of
CFCs e.g. F-11, CCl 3 F Aerosol propellant, Destruction of
(chlorofluorocarbons) foam blower stratospheric ozone
HC CCl 3
x x