(Martin Jones) #1

Group 3B Member CH Statements 25 (39%) C 6 MC 3 AC 0 Total Claims 9 (47%)
3B 6B CH JC 17 (27%) 29 (48%)^5 3 1 5 1 0 7 (58%) 8 (42%)
5A JC 16 (38%) 4 5 0 9 (60%)
5B 2D KE KE 22 (42%) 22 (31%)^3 2 1 0 0 4 4 (24%) 6 (33%)
6B 3B KF KF 1 (2%) 5 (8%)^0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
4B KJ 35 (33%) 3 3 3 9 (38%)
2B 6B PH KJ 33 (39%) 30 (50%)^2 3 2 0 1 4 5 (42%) 7 (35%)
7A PH 17 (29%) 1 2 0 3 (25%)
Table 3-24. Claims by Students Appearing in Two Sessions.
“Quiet” Students Do Contribute
(^) What about the students who make fewer claims in proportion to their overall
statements? Their contributions to the group frequently are a Request for some sort of
support or Clarification. This frequently takes the form of skeptical questioning. No one
illustrates this point better than member RM of Group 4A. An example (Table 3-25, p.
127) from their discussion shows how his question serves to initiate a clarification of the
point MR and MK make about the location of the vectors on the free-body diagram.
While his skepticism does not correct an obvious error, it does serve to reinforce the
point MK and MR make about the location of the vectors. This is an important function
when supporting claims.

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