(Martin Jones) #1

(^) 49. SU ...and your sister starts the train and
concentrates just on the last car...and you measure that it goes 1.5 meters in the first 4 seconds. G He reads the statement and repeats the “grounds” given there.

  1. LS Oh, down here. 51. KE So we Tabled...we Tabled that we can Ak
    calculate the tension. What is the tension? 52. LS Oh, we want to know the tension of the C^
    strings. 53. KE Right. MC Ak^

  2. LS Okay. 55. SU Between ...between car 1, I mean the last Ak
    car and the second car. 56. LS ...and finishing. Where? RQCl G He “self-corrects” his statement. RQCl = Request for Clarification

  3. SU Nah, I'm just asking. Ak
    Table 3-26. Group 2D, Episode 7, lines 44-57.
    In Group 5A, member AW fills a similar function to SU when he provides
    Warrants that supports the Claim of another student. His Modified Claim in line 48
    (Table 3-26) is also a means to support the Claim that JC makes in 41 and modifies in 45.
    AW had not taken the pre-requisite course (Physics 1041). Interestingly enough, at the
    time of this problem, AW was ranked higher in the class compared to JC and RS. His
    reluctance to make original claims may reflect his poor preparation for this particular
    problem. His willingness, however, to make a few additional claims may have been
    stimulated by the ideas and contributions of the other students. That is, despite possibly
    poor preparation, he had something to contribute. Also, AW is the Recorder and his
    focus on writing down the solution may have lead to his lesser contribution of Claims.

(^) Dialog Coding Comments

  1. JC If we find GPE, can we find velocity after we have its value? C GPE = Gravitational Potential Energy

  2. AW Because the initial kinetic energy will have to equal the final [kinetic energy]. W

  3. JC Gravitation[al energy]. 44. AW Gravitation[al energy. W W JC adds to his warrant. Said simultaneously with 43.

  4. JC OK, well that's...that's. So we find the GPE first, right? MC Slightly modifies 41.

  5. RS But when it finished it's going to have to have Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy. W

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