(Martin Jones) #1

(^) concentration of emotional energy on an idea under discussion). In fact, a subjective
observation of this group’s videotape suggests they had the highest positive cathexis of
the 14 groups. Finally, their summarizing, which I mistook for a concurrence model, may
be a means to reconceptualize their ideas. Hence, they do follow the controversy model.
I made similar observations about the remaining 11 groups. What seems to be
most prominent is the cyclic nature of the controversy decision-making process. That is,
there is a pattern. This idea led me to look at the similarities in the controversy decision-
making process and the argument co-construction process I observed in this study. Table
4-10 (page 151) compares the Johnson model with a summary of the argument
construction process involving the additional Modified and Alternate Claims. While I
would not argue for a one-to-one correspondence, there are some parallels. This table
verbally summarizes what I observed in these groups in reference to Figure 4-4 (page

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