(Martin Jones) #1
What decision makers do in a
(Johnson Model)

What students do in argument
(This Research)

  1. Categorize and organize their present
    information and experiences so that they
    derive a conclusion.

Claims present ideas. Grounds, warrants,
and backings provide “information and

  1. Realize that others have a different
    conclusion and that their conclusions are
    being challenged and contested.

Requests for Clarification lead to
elaboration. Some Skeptical questioning
may ensue.

  1. Become uncertain about the
    correctness of their conclusion and
    experience and internal state of
    conceptual conflict or disequilibrium.

Additional elaboration provides “more
information, new experiences, improved
reasoning, and a more adequate cognitive

  1. Actively search for more
    information, new experiences, improved
    reasoning, and a more adequate
    cognitive perspective to resolve their
    uncand attemptingertainty. This inc to understand opponents’ lude listening to
    conclusions and supporting rationale.

Grounds, warrants and backings provide
the “supporting rationale.”
A Modified Claim is a gradual movement
towards acknowledging the “conceptual
confa new “position and reasoninglict.” An Alternate Claim.” represents

  1. Activelyreasoning to opposing represent their position and group members,
    thereby engaging in considerable
    cognitive rehearsal of their position and

Group members make Acknowledgment statements. Additional Support and
Grounds, warrants and backings provide
more “supporting rationale”.

  1. Reconceptualize their position (aided
    by accurate understanding of opposing
    perspectives; incorporation of opposing
    information and reasoning, attitude and
    position changreasoning stratege; and use of higies). her level

The new idea, expressed through a
Modified Claim or Alternate Claim, is
accepted through Summarizing or
Consensus Checking that verbalizes the
“incorporation of opposingand reasoning, attitude and position information

(^) Table 4-10. Creative Conflict Parallels.

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