(Martin Jones) #1

There are four general claims I can now make concerning the role of Modified
Claims and Alternate Claims in argument co-construction.

  1. The Alternate Claim
     generally occurs in a “controversy” model of decision-making,
     is a higher form of creative conflict,
     generally corrects original claims that are wrong or “fuzzy”,
     and allows students in problem-solving groups to disagree while avoiding
    direct conflict.

  2. The Modified Claim
     can elicit another Modified Claim or Alternate Claim; it can serve as a bridge
    or link to the Alternate Claim,
     may prompt the ideas that cause the maker of the Alternate Claim to state the
    Alternate Claim,
     Alteis a lrnate Claower-levelim form of creative conflict when it stands in isolation of an
     and refines, clarifies or elaborates original claims that are slightly “fuzzy” or

  3. All Claims are steps in a “reconceptualization” process.
     Within episodes, the claim-making role shifts between students, that is the
    Modified Claimant and the Alternate Claimant are not the same as the original
     The claim-making role is fairly uniformly distributed among the active
    students in a group. Usually all students make claims.
     When there is a dominant student, he or she tends to make most of the claims.
     All students in the group are involved in the argument co-construction, that is,
    even the “quiet” students contribute.

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