(Martin Jones) #1

  1. All Claims are steps in a “reconceptualization” process.
     Within episodes, the claim-making role shifts between students, that is the Modified
    Claimant and the Alternate Claimant are not the same as the original Claimant.
     The claim-making role is fairly uniformly distributed among the active students in a
    group. Usually all students make claims.
     When there is a dominant student, he or she tends to make most of the claims.
     All students in the group are involved in the argument co-construction, that is, even
    the “quiet” students contribute.

(^) 4. Although groups engage in both types additional claims, they tend to have a typical
controversy pattern which uses either Alternate Claims or Modified Claims. This pattern is
related to the correctness of the original claim.
The grounds for this finding are:
 Direct challenges are rare.
 13 of the 14 groups followed a Controversy Model of Decision Making. (Warrant:
Johnson Model, Table 4-10, p. 151)
 9 of the 13 groups following the Controversy Model did not use Alternate Claims but
do use Modified Claims. 7 of these 9 gModified Claims are requested in these groups have a higroups. her initial Claim quality.
 5 of the 13 groups following the Controversy Model use Alternate Claims. These 5
groups have a lower initial Claim quality. Alternate Claims are never requested in any
 At least one Modified Claim and one Alternate Claim are found in every group.
(Table 3-23, page 125)
Because all students are involved in the claim-making process, co-construction of the
argument is occurring. That is, the solution to the problem is a group solution and not the
product of the best individual in the group. This supports prior research (Heller, Keith, and
Anderson, 1992). The Modified Claim can be spontaneous or be offered in response to a request
for clarification. A lack of group cohesion and conflict avoidance may inhibit direct challenges.
Finally, the Modified Claim and Alternate Claim are one means of supporting a Claim.
Grounds, Warrants, Backings provide “color” and base the problem on the stated parameters and

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