(Martin Jones) #1

Problem 4, At the Gasthaus: Above the entrance door of an old German "GASTHAUS" hangs a
sigby a hingn. A 200 N metal beer muge. The weight of the strut is 100 N. A hangs at the end of a support cable is attached to the strut at a point 2 3 meter long strut that is attached to the wall
meters from the wall and makes a 30  angle with the strut. Find all the forces acting on the strut.
Useful information: F = 0 and  = 0. [The following diagram was also given.]


(^) Problem 5, Space Cannon, Inc.: You have been invited by your new employer, Space Cannon,
Inc., to work on a new space launch facility: Instead of using big rockets to carry payloads aloft,
small probes are to be shot into space using gigantic cannons. First, you are asked to figure out
how fast a small particle detector must leave the cannon barrel to be placed in orbit 900 km
above the earth. After that, ydevice would be launched to the planet Mars. Toour employer wants to know the minimum initial speed of the same make your jobv a little easier, you are allowed
to neglect air friction.
Problem 6, Fahrenheit 451: A few years ago, the movie, Fahrenheit 451 starring Oscar Werner,
waCelsius Xs shown on TV. I or Kelvin Yf a phy. What are X and Y?sicist had made the Please derive movie, the your answer careful title probably would haly uive besng the en
information below:
212 F = 100 C = 373 K
32 F = 0 C = 273 K
What is absolute zero on the Fahrenheit scale? Problem: Now suppose you are given a burner
that transfers 80% of the heat form the gburning object to whatever is in the reservoir on top of
the burner. If burning one page of a book releases one calorie of heat, how much will the
temperature of 180 grams of water rise if you burn the book Fahrenheit 451 (about 500 pages) in
your burner? 1 cal = 4.18 joules; Cwater = 1 cal/g -C.

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