(Martin Jones) #1

(^) makes it easier to follow one person’s statements. The first numbering method, makes it
easier to count lines or, as will be seen in the next chapter, construct flowcharts. In some
cases I have included a few lines preceding or following the episode of interest in order to
make the discussion more sensible. Table 3-1 (page 75) illustrates how the statements in
the “raw” transcript discussed on page 55 were coded and episodes delineated. The
reader should note that some longer transcript excerpts span two pages. Often I will
discuss an idea and then reproduce the corresponding transcript excerpt.
Table 3-1 illustrates three episodes. The group first discusses the fact they need
to draw a free-body diagram and a force-vector diagram (“force thingy”). Then they
move on to discuss the tension force in the cable due to the bar.
(^) Dialog Coding Comments

  1. MK. OK, sthis is the descripo what do wtion. [Writes "e know? Well, OK, Description" and

C relates toNew Episo thdee p. Troblemhis Claim-solving

  1. MR. Do the free-body. C strategy.

  2. RdiagramM. J?]. ust make a force thingy [force-vector C 40. ansince thd 41. are proceduey prioritize the taskral.

  3. MK. OK, so then what? RQC RQC =Could al Reso be Squest fom r Claim.
    bar.] 43. (MK) We'll need to draw the bar. [Draws C Answers her own question.

  4. (MK) And this is a weird force. [This^
    statemthe norment isal, or th unclear. MK at the free-coulbodyd be ref diagramerrin will be g to

C aspect ofNew Episo thdee s. Tolutionhis is a n, hence ew
a ndiscussion ofew episode. Sets the forces up a.

  1. (MK) W[down]. e have a weight [of the bar] going C Second part of her Claim.

  2. (MK) W[draws T vector] e have tension this way, right? W C

Third partImplicit W of becau her Cse a tenlaim. sion
in thweight is a prine cable cauciple ofsed by th e

  1. RM / MR. Yeah Sp physics. "right?" = RQSp.

  2. MK. So we label that T? Sm This is a statemsummary, not a qent ouestiof n.

  3. RMto where W. YBou ha goes onve a weight diagram right, i.e., in here. [Points the center.] C G Nethe low Ecatiopison of thde. The Ce weight. laim is

  4. MR. The bar weight. Cl

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