(Martin Jones) #1

(^) the torques equals zero." The students are indeed thinking about the physics of the

  1. MR. Sum of the. Dialog Coding W Comments

  2. MK. Sum of the forces equals zero. [Writing  F= 0 while she speaks.] W Although this is a warrant, it is a part of the Recorder role.

  3. MR. Sum of the torques. W MK talks aloud while writing.

  4. MK. Sum of the torques equals zero. OK, umm, OK... [Writing   = 0 while she speaks.] Sm

  5. MR. Well, should we just try putting... C Incomplete thorefers to where they would ught. Probably
    put the "fulcrum."

Table 3-5 Group 4A, Lines 137-141.
The other “reference points” provide additional insights. The class average on
this group problem was 7.46 (Out of 10 total points,  = 1.80). Their teaching assistant
graded their problem solution at a perfect 10 points (z = 1.46). Their written solution to
the problem was very neat and clear and generally followed the five-step problem solving
strategy. I looked at the group as a whole, subjectively evaluating their functioning.
While MK is the most involved of the three students, both MR and RM made significant
contributions. Upon reading the transcript, one sees MK making many statements related
to her role as the Recorder. She is very conscientious about checking for consensus
among the group members before continuing to the next step. For example, she says at
one point, "OK, so don't we draw this here...we draw tension here, right?" (Line 108,
Table 3-2, p. 78) This is a part of the role of the Recorder/Checker. Although RM is the
least involved of the three, and although he identifies himself as the Energizer for the
group, it is clear he adopts the role of Skeptic through the types of questions he asks of
the other two students. His skeptical statements can be as simple as "Not like that, do
you?" (Line 111, Table 3-2). Group member MR expresses her discomfort with the

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