(Martin Jones) #1

(^) The students in Physics 1041/1042 were introduced to the roles of the manager,
recorder, and skeptic. Probably because this aspect of cooperative learning was not
stressed in the course, most groups were somewhat cavalier about using the roles. This
group is very casual about their group roles, and do not take time to sort out who is doing
what, as is seen in Table 3-6 (p. 84; lines 21-23). This casualness also subverts the step
by step process of the problem-solving strategy. Instead of stopping after each step, and
checking on their progress, they tended to jump around. Although they seem to follow
the steps of the problem solving strategy, they are "backfilling" at some places. In this
example (Table 3-6), they try to include pictures so as to better their score (Line 27). All
cooperative groups will, at times, use humor. Here, (lines 30-34) humor is injected to
alleviate their frustration with the problem. This does, however, prohibit any physics
from being discussed.
Even with one viewing of the video tape, it becomes clear that SV is a forceful
leader of the group and essentially dominates the process. She is more than a manager in
the way it was defined for the students, as is seen in Table 3-7 (page 85). She effectively
took charge of the group and made sure the group followed the problem-solving strategy.
Her commanding presence is best seen in line 39. The off-task talk may have been a
reaction of the others to her order giving. Her dialog with EW in the lines that follow
(Table 3-7, page 85) are typical of how he was shut out of the solution.
(^) Dialog Coding Comments

  1. Sdidn't you? V Very good, you took calc, En New Episode.

  2. EW Youour picture/given i a brainnformation? I sho? How what's uld
    draw this force.

RQC RQC = Request for Claim.
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