Swift Tutorial - Tutorialspoint

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Swift provides a flexible building block of making use of constructs as Structures. By
making use of these structures once can define constructs methods and properties.

Unlike C and Objective C

 Structure need not require implementation files and interface.

 Structure allows us to create a single file and to extend its interface automatically
to other blocks.

In Structure the variable values are copied and passed in subsequent codes by returning
a copy of the old values so that the values cannot be altered.


Structures are defined with a 'Struct' Keyword.
struct nameStruct {
Definition 1
Definition 2
Definition N

Definition of a Structure

Consider for example, suppose we have to access students record containing marks of
three subjects and to find out the total of three subjects. Here markStruct is used to
initialize a structure with three marks as datatype 'Int'.

struct MarkStruct{
var mark1: Int
var mark2: Int
var mark3: Int

Accessing the Structure and its Properties

The members of the structure are accessed by its structure name. The instances of the
structure are initialized by the 'let' keyword.


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