What have we to do with thee, thou apostle of the Most High! What have we to do with thee,
thou servant of Jesus Christ? What have we to do with thee, thou counsellor of the holy Son of
God? Wherefore wilt thou destroy us, whereas our time is not yet come? Wherefore wilt thou
take away our power? for unto this hour we had hope and time remaining to us. What have we to
do with thee? Thou hast power over thine own, and we over ours. Wherefore wilt thou act
tyrannously against us, when thou thyself teachest others not to act tyrannously? Wherefore dost
thou crave other men's goods and not suffice thyself with thine own? Wherefore art thou made
like unto the Son of God which hath done us wrong? for thou resemblest him altogether as if
thou wert born of him. For we thought to have brought him under the yoke like as we have the
rest, but he turned and made us subject unto him: for we knew him not; but he deceived us with
his form of all uncomeliness and his poverty and his neediness: for seeing him to be such, we
thought that he was a man wearing flesh, and knew not that it is he that giveth life unto men. And
he gave us power over our own, and that we should not in this present time leave them but have
our walk in them: but thou wouldest get more than thy due and that which was given thee, and
afflict us altogether.
46 And having said this the devil wept, saying: I leave thee, my fairest consort, whom long since
I found and rested in thee; I forsake thee, my sure sister, my beloved in whom I was well
pleased. What I shall do I know not, or on whom I shall call that he may hear me and help me. I
know what I will do: I will depart unto some place where the report of this man hath not been
heard, and peradventure I shall call thee, my beloved by another name (Syr. for thee my beloved
I shall find a substitute). And he lifted up his voice and said: Abide in peace for thou hast taken
refuge with one greater than I, but I will depart and seek for one like thee, and if I find her not, I
will return unto thee again: for I know that whilst thou art near unto this man thou hast a refuge
in him, but when he departeth thou wilt be such as thou wast before he appeared, and him thou
wilt forget, and I shall have opportunity and confidence: but now I fear the name of him that hath
saved thee. And having so said the devil vanished out of sight: only when he departed fire and
smoke were seen there: and all that stood there were astonied.
47 And the apostle seeing it, said unto them: This devil hath shown nought that is alien or
strange to him, but his own nature, wherein also he shall be consumed, for verily the fire shall
destroy him utterly and the smoke of it shall be scattered abroad. And he began to say:
Jesu, the hidden mystery that hath been revealed unto us, thou art he that hast shown unto us
many mysteries; thou that didst call me apart from all my fellows and spakest unto me three
(one, Syr.) words wherewith I am inflamed, and am not able to speak them unto others. Jesu,
man that wast slain, dead buried! Jesu, God of God, Saviour that quickenest the dead, and healest
the sick! Jesu, that wert in need like [a man poor] and savest as one that hath no need, that didst
catch the fish for the breakfast and the dinner and madest all satisfied with a little bread. Jesu,
that didst rest from the weariness of wayfaring like a man, and walkedst on the waves like a God.
48 Jesu most high, voice arising from perfect mercy, Saviour of all, the right hand of the light,
overthrowing the evil one in his own nature, and gathering all his nature into one place; thou of
many forms, that art only begotten, first-born of many brethren God of the Most High God, man
despised until now (Syr. and humble). Jesu Christ that neglectest us not when we call upon thee,
that art become an occasion of life unto all mankind, that for us wast judged and shut up in
prison, and loosest all that are in bonds, that wast called a deceiver and redeemest thine own
from error: I beseech thee for these that stand here and believe on thee, for they entreat to obtain