therefore, and supplicate that I may not depart unto those places of punishment which I have
58 And the apostle said: Ye have heard what this woman hath related: and there are not these
torments only, but others also, worse than these; and ye, if ye turn not unto this God whom I
preach, and abstain from your former works and the deeds which ye committed without
knowledge, shall have your end in those torments. Believe therefore on Christ Jesus, and he will
forgive you the sins ye have committed hitherto, and will cleanse you from all your bodily lusts
that abide on the earth, and will heal you of all your trespasses which follow you and depart with
you and are found upon (before) you. Put off therefore every one of you the old man, and put on
the new, and forsake your former walk and conversation; and let them that stole steal no more,
but live by labouring and working; and let the adulterous no more fornicate, lest they deliver
themselves unto eternal torment; for adultery is before God exceeding evil beyond other sins.
And put away from you covetousness and Lying and drunkenness and slandering, and render not
evil for evil: for all these things are strange and alien unto the God who is preached by me: but
rather walk ye in faith and meekness and holiness and hope, wherein God delighteth, that ye may
become his own, expecting of him the gifts which some few only do receive.
59 All the people therefore believed and gave their souls obediently unto the living God and
Christ Jesus, rejoicing in the blessed works of the Most High and in his holy service. And they
brought much money for the service of the widows: for the apostle had them gathered together in
the cities, and unto all of them he sent provision by his own ministers (deacons), both clothes and
nourishment. And he himself ceased not preaching and speaking to them and showing that this is
Jesus Christ whom the scriptures proclaimed, who is come and was crucified, and raised the third
day from the dead. And next he showed them plainly, beginning from the prophets, the things
concerning the Christ, that it was necessary that he should come, and that in him should be
accomplished all things that were foretold of him. And the fame of him went forth into all the
cities and countries, and all that had sick or them that were oppressed by unclean spirits brought
them, and some they laid in the way whereby he should pass, and he healed them all by the
power of the Lord. Then all that were healed by him said with one accord: Glory be to thee, Jesu,
who hast granted us all alike healing through thy servant and apostle Thomas. And now being
whole and rejoicing, we beseech thee that we may be of thy flock, and be numbered among thy
sheep; receive us therefore, Lord, and impute not unto us our transgressions and our former
faults which we committed being in ignorance.
60 And the apostle said: Glory be to the only-begotten of the Father! Glory be to the first-born of
many brethren! Glory be to thee, the defender and helper of them that come unto thy refuge! that
sleepest not, and awakest them that are asleep that livest and givest life to them that lie in death!
O God Jesu Christ, Son of the living God, redeemer and helper, refuge and rest of all that are
weary (labour) in thy work, giver of healing to them that for thy name s sake bear the burden and
heat of the day: we give thanks for (to) the gifts that are given us of thee and granted us by thy
help and thy dispensation that cometh unto us from thee.
61 Perfect thou therefore these things in us unto the end that we may have the boldness that is in
thee: look upon us for for thy sake have we forsaken our homes and our parents, and for thy sake
have we gladly and willingly become strangers: look upon us, Lord, for we have forsaken our
own possessions for thy sake, that we might gain thee the possession that cannot be taken away:
look upon us, Lord, for we have forsaken them that belong unto us by race, that we might be