malefactor, he would not have it. But do thou go and counsel her to incline unto her husband,
and forsake the vain words of the sorcerer.
135 And as soon as she arose Tertia went to the house of Charisius her husband's [KINSMAN],
and found Mygdonia Lying upon the earth in humiliation, and ashes and sackcloth were spread
under her, and she was praying that the Lord would forgive her her former sins and she might
soon depart out of life. And Tertia said unto her: Mygdonia, my dear sister and companion what
is this hand (Syr. this folly)? what is the disease that hath overtaken thee? and why doest thou the
deeds of madmen? Know thyself and come back unto thine own way, come near unto thy many
kinsfolk, and spare thy true husband Charisius, and do not things unbefitting a free-woman.
Mygdonia saith unto her: O Tertia, thou hast not yet heard the preacher of life: not yet hath he
touched thine ears, not yet hast thou tasted the medicine of life nor art freed from corruptible
mourning. Thou standest in the life of time, and the everlasting life and salvation thou knowest
not, and perceivest not the incorruptible fellowship. Thou standest clad in robes that grow old
and desirest not those that are eternal, and art proud of this beauty which vanisheth and hast no
thought of the holiness of thy soul; and art rich in a multitude of servants, (and hast not freed
thine own soul from servitude, Syr.) and pridest thyself in the glory that cometh of many, but
redeemest not thyself from the condemnation of death.
136 And when Tertia heard this of Mygdonia she said: I pray thee, sister, bring me unto that
stranger that teacheth these great things, that I also may go and hear him, and be taught to
worship the God whom he preacheth, and become partaker of his prayers, and a sharer in all that
thou hast told me of. And Mygdonia saith to her: He is in the house of Siphor the captain; for he
is become the occasion of life unto all them that are being saved in India. And hearing that,
Tertia went quickly to Siphor's house, that she might see the new apostle that was come thither.
And when she entered in, Judas said unto her: What art thou come to see? a man that is a
stranger and poor and contemptible and needy, having neither riches nor substance; yet one thing
I possess which neither kings nor rulers can take away, that neither perisheth nor ceaseth, which
is Jesus the Saviour of all mankind, the Son of the living God, who hath given life unto all that
believe on him and take refuge with him and are known to be of the number of his servants
(sheep, Syr.). Unto whom saith Tertia: May I become a partaker of this life which thou promisest
that all they shall receive who come together unto the assembly of God. And the apostle said:
The treasury of the holy king is opened wide, and they which worthily partake of the good things
that are therein do rest, and resting do reign: but first, no man cometh unto him that is unclean
and vile: for he knoweth our inmost hearts and the depths of our thought, and it is not possible
for any to escape him. Thou, then, if verily thou believest in him, shalt be made worthy of his
mysteries; and he will magnify thee and enrich thee, and make thee to be an heir of his hingdom.
137 And Tertia having heard this returned home rejoicing, and found her husband awaiting her,
not having dined, and when Misdaeus saw her he said: Whence is it that thine entering in to-day
is more beautiful? and wherefore art thou come walking, which beseemeth not free-born women
like thee? And Tertia saith unto him: I owe thee the greatest of thanks for that thou didst send me
unto Mygdonia, for I went and heard of a new life, and I saw the new apostle of the God that
giveth life unto them that believe on him and fulfil his commandments; I ought therefore myself
to recompense thee for this favour and admonition with good advice; for thou shalt be a great
king in heaven if thou obey me and fear the God that is preached by the strangrer, and keep
thyself holy unto the living God. For this kingdom passeth away, and thy comfort will be turned