22 [ 99 ]: 2 By reason of this their stubbornness, understanding stood aloof from them, and a
foolish senselessness entered into them; and they praise themselves as having understanding, and
they desire to be self-appointed teachers, senseless though they are.
22 [ 99 ]: 3 Owing then to this pride of heart many, while they exalted themselves, have been made
empty; for a mighty demon is stubbornness and vain confidence. Of these then many were cast
away, but some repented and believed, and submitted themselves to those that had
understanding, having learnt their own senselessness.
22 [ 99 ]: 4 Yea, and to the rest that belong to this class repentance is offered; for they did not
become wicked, but rather foolish and without understanding. If these then shall repent, they
shall live unto God; but if they repent not, they shall have their abode with the women who work
evil against them.
23 [ 100 ]: 1 "But they that believed from the sixth mountain, which had clefts great and small, and
in the clefts herbage withered, are such as these;
23 [ 100 ]: 2 they that have the small clefts, these are they that have aught against one another, and
from their backbitings they are withered in the faith; but many of these repented Yea, and the rest
shall repent, when they hear my commandments; for their backbitings are but small, and they
shall quickly repent.
23 [ 100 ]: 3 But they that have great clefts, these are persistent in their backbitings and bear
grudges, nursing wrath against one another. These then were thrown right away from the tower
and rejected from its building. Such persons therefore shall with difficulty live.
23 [ 100 ]: 4 If God and our Lord, Who ruleth over all things and hath the authority over all His
creation, beareth no grudge against them that confess their sins, but is propitiated, doth man, who
is mortal and full of sins, bear a grudge against man, as though he were able to destroy or save
23 [ 100 ]: 5 I say unto you--I, the angel of repentance--unto as many as hold this heresy, put it
away from you and repent, and the Lord shall heal your former sins, if ye shall purify yourselves
from this demon; but if not, ye shall be delivered unto him to be put to death.
24 [ 101 ]: 1 " And from the seventh mountain, on which was herbage green and smiling, and the
whole mountain thriving, and cattle of every kind and the fowls of heaven were feeding on the
herbage on that mountain, and the green herbage, on which they fed, only grew the more
luxuriant, they that believed are such as these;
24 [ 101 ]: 2 they were ever simple and guileless and blessed, having nothing against one another,
but rejoicing always in the servants of God, and clothed in the Holy Spirit of these virgins, and
having compassion always on every man, and out of their labors they supplied every man's need
without reproach and without misgiving.
24 [ 101 ]: 3 The Lord then seeing their simplicity and entire childliness made them to abound in
the labors of their hands, and bestowed favor on them in all their doings.
24 [ 101 ]: 4 But I say unto you that are such--I, the angel of repentance--remain to the end such as
ye are, and your seed shall never be blotted out. For the Lord hath put you to the proof, and
enrolled you among our number, and your whole seed shall dwell with the Son of God; for of
His Spirit did ye receive.
25 [ 102 ]: 1 "And from the eighth mountain, where were the many springs, and all the creatures of
the Lord did drink of the springs, they that believed are such as these;