
(Chris Devlin) #1
mind; it is concerned with how knowledge is represented in the mind, how
language is understood, how images are understood, and which mental
processes underlie inferencing, learning, problem solving and planning.

cognitive strategiesn
learning strategies that operate directly on incoming information in ways
that enhance learning. Examples include rehearsal(repeating key words or
phrases silently or aloud, organizing (e.g. summarizing what has been read
or heard), using memory heuristics e.g. a keywordor visual image), and

cognitive stylen
seelearning style

cognitive theoryn
a theory that describes phenomena in terms of mental constructs in the mind
of individuals. Most contemporary theories of linguistics view language
and grammar as properties of the human mind. Cognitive theories of second
language learning include such concepts as hypothesis formation, intake,
interlanguage, and so on, all mental (cognitive) phenomena. Some other
theories, including both behaviourismand ethnomethodolgy, are
anti-cognitive, insisting on behavioural explanations of phenomena and
rejecting speculation about the mind.

cognitive variablen
variables associated with cognitive functioning that may affect learning,
including language learning. These may include general intelligence,
language aptitude, memory, and the ability to analyze and evaluate.
Cognitive variables are sometimes contrasted with affective variablesthat
may also influence learning. Affective variables are more emotional in
nature and include such factors as empathy, language attitudes,
language anxiety, and motivation.

coherencen coherentadj
the relationships which link the meanings of utterancesin a discourse
or of the sentences in a text.
These links may be based on the speakers’ shared knowledge. For example:
A:Could you give me a lift home?
B: Sorry, I’m visiting my sister.
There is no grammatical or lexical link between A’s question and B’s reply
(see cohesion) but the exchange has coherence because both A and B
know that B’s sister lives in the opposite direction to A’s home.

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