0.00 (i.e. total absence of a relationship) to +1.00 (i.e. a perfect positive
relationship). A correlation coefficient indicates both the direction (i.e.
positive or negative) and the strength (i.e. the size or magnitude) of the
relationship. For example, if students received quite similar scores on two
tests, their scores would have a high positive correlation. If their scores on
one test were the reverse of their scores on the other, their scores would
have a high negative correlation. If their scores on the two tests were not
related in any predictable way, their scores would have a zero correlation.
The closer an absolute value of the correlation coefficient is to 1.00, the
stronger the relationship between two variables is regardless of the direc-
tion of its correlation coefficient.
correlative conjunctionn
co-ordinating conjunctionsused in pairs in a parallel construction.
For example:
an abbreviation for Certificate for Overseas Teachers of English
those texts that occur together with or prior to a text and that influence the
meaning of a text. The notion of co-text suggests that in order to under-
stand a text, assumptions are made about preceding texts that provide a
context for understanding the text. For example the phrase “To See or Not
to See” occurring in an advertisement for a movie assumes that the reader
is familiar with the famous line from Hamlet “To be or not to be”, which is
a co-text for the advertisement.
counselling learningn
see community language learning
countable nounn
also count noun
a noun which has both singular and plural forms. For example:
word – words, machine – machines, bridge – bridges
A noun which does not usually occur in the plural is called an uncountable
noun or a mass noun. For example:
education, homework, harm.
see also noun
correlative conjunction