critical applied linguisticsn
an approach that applies the theories and methods of critical theory to
problems in language education, literacy, discourse analysis, language in
the workplace, translation, and other language related domains.
critical comprehensionn
see reading
critical discourse analysisn
a form of discourse analysis that takes a critical stance towards how
language is used and analyzes texts and other discourse types in order to
identify the ideology and values underlying them. It seeks to reveal the
interests and power relations in any institutional and socio-historical con-
text through analyzing the ways that people use language.
critical incident analysisn
a procedure used in teacher education and other fields in which an incident
from a teacher’s experience that triggered significant new awareness or
change, is examined for its meaning and significance. For example a student
may question the value of a teaching technique the teacher is using and has
always believed in. The incident may later be written about or discussed
with others and through systematic questioning about such events, teachers
are challenged to reflect on their beliefs and practices, allowing their under-
standing of teaching and themselves as teachers, to develop.
critical linguisticsn
an approach to the analysis of language and of language use that focuses on
the role that language plays in assigning power to particular groups within
society. Critical linguistics is based on the study of texts and the way texts
are interpreted and used. The assumption is the relation between form and
function in discourse is not arbitrary or conventional but is determined by
cultural, social, and political factors, i.e. that texts are inherently ideological
in nature.
critical literacyn
an approach to the teaching of literacy which seeks to show how social
identities and power relations become primary goals of analysis, critique,
and study. Critical reading in such an approach seeks not only to develop
the ability to interpret texts but also the ability to perceive the connections
between social conditions and the reading and writing practices of a cul-
ture, to be able to analyze those practices, and to develop the critical and
political awareness to take action within and against them.
critical literacy