a variation of the cloze test where beginning with the second word in the
second sentence the second half of every second word in a reading passage is
deleted with the first sentence intact. Only the exact word method is used.
(in language teaching) a signal given by the teacher in order to produce
a response by the students. For example in practising questions:
cue response
time What time is it?
day What day is it?
Cues may be words, signals, actions, etc.
see also drill
cued recalln
see recall
Cuisenaire rodsn
a set of 10 small blocks of wood with a uniform cross-section but with
different lengths, each rod having its own colour. The rods were developed
to teach arithmetic but were introduced into language teaching by Caleb
Gattegno and his teaching method called silent wayin which they were
used to teach and practise sounds, words and sentence formation.
cultural capitaln
the resources needed to be a successful member of a society. These may
include one’s knowledge, skills, and experiences. Linguistic capitalincludes
any dimension of language knowledge or proficiency that is valued in a
community or community of practice, such as knowing a prestige
language, speaking with a particular accent, or being skilled at the use of
professional jargon.
cultural disadvantagen
also cultural deprivation
the theory that some children, particularly those from lower social and econo-
mic backgrounds, lack certain home experiences and that this may lead to
learning difficulties in school. For example, children from homes which lack
books or educational games and activities to stimulate thought and language
development may not perform well in school. Since many other factors
could explain why some children do not perform well in school, this theory
is an insufficient explanation for differences in children’s learning abilities.
see also compensatory instruction, cultural relativism
cultural disadvantage