
(Chris Devlin) #1
dead language

dead language n
also extinct language
a language that no longer has any native speakers.

decision-making n
in teaching, thinking processes employed by teachers in planning, conducting
and evaluating lessons or aspects of lessons, particularly when different
instructional choices are involved. Two kinds of decision-making are often
referred to:
1 pre-active decision-making: decisions that are made prior to teaching,
such as determining the content of a lesson
2 interactive decision-making: unplanned decisions made during a lesson,
such as a decision to drop a planned activity
Decision-making has been viewed as a central component of teacher think-
ing. Teachers’ classroom actions are characterized by judgements and
decisions that shape and determine the effectiveness of teaching. However,
not all teacher action can be explained in terms of decision-making.
Teachers’ actions are also guided by routines and by tacit or intuitive plans
of action.

declarative n
see speech act classification

declarative knowledge n
also factual knowledge (in cognitive psychology and learning theory), one
of two ways information is stored in long term memory.
Declarative knowledge is information that consists of consciously known
facts, concepts or ideas that can be stored as propositions. For example, an
account of the tense system in English can be presented as a set of statements,
rules, or facts, i.e. it can be learned as declarative knowledge. This can be
contrasted with procedural knowledge, that is knowledge concerning
things we know how to do but which are not consciously known, such as
“how to ride a bicycle”, or “how to speak German”. Procedural knowledge
is acquired gradually through practice, and underlies the learning of skills.
Many aspects of second language learning consist of procedural rather than
declarative knowledge.
see also adaptive control of thought

declarative sentence n
a sentence which is in the form of a statement. For example:
I’m leaving now.
Declarative sentences may or may not have the function of a statement.

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