
(Chris Devlin) #1

I will put the money in the bankor I will spend it.
independent independent
clause clause
I am going straight homeafter I’ve seen the movie.
independent dependent
clause clause

dependent preposition n
a preposition that always occurs with a particular noun, verb or adjective
or before another word. For example the prepositions in:
interested in, depend on,bored with

dependent variable n
also criterion variable
(in research) a variable^1 that changes or is influenced according to changes in
one or more independent variables. In empirical studies, one or more variables
(the independent variable) may be studied as a cause or predictorthat is
hypothesized to have an effect on another variable (the dependent variable).
For example, we may wish to study the effects of attitudes and motivation
on language proficiency. Attitudes and motivation would be the independent
variables, while language proficiency would be the dependent variable.

depth interview n
a detailed and extended interviewcovering a wide range of topics in order to
obtain as much information as possible and to explore unknown variables
that are introduced during the interview.
see also focused interview, guided interview

derivation n
in phonology, the process of applying a set of phonological rules to an
underlying form. For example, in French one can derive a form such as [bõ]
bon(“good”) from an underlying form /bon/ by means of two rules, one of
which nasalizes a vowel before a nasal consonant, the second of which
deletes a syllable-final nasal consonant.
in morphologyand word formation, the formation of new words by
adding affixesto other words or morphemes. For example, the noun
insanityis derived from the adjective saneby the addition of the negative
prefix in- and the noun-forming suffix –ity. Derivation typically results
in changes of parts of speech. It can be contrasted with inflection,
which never changes the lexical category.
in syntax, the process of applying grammatical rules to underlying forms,
for example, in deriving s-structurefrom d-structure.

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