
(Chris Devlin) #1

dialectology n
the study of the regional variations of a language (see dialect).
Usually, studies in dialectology have concentrated on different words used
in various dialects for the same object or on different pronunciations of the
same word in different dialects.
see also areal linguistics

dialogic teaching n
in teacher education, teaching which centres around planned and focused
conversation among teachers and addresses teaching and learning
issues. During such conversations teachers examine their own beliefs
and practices and engage in collaborative planning, problem-solving and

dialogue n
(in language teaching) a model conversation, used to practise speaking and
to provide examples of language usage. Dialogues are often specially written
to practise language items, contain simplified grammar and vocabulary, and
so may be rather different from real-life conversation.

dialogue journals n
written (electronically or by hand) or orally recorded discussions between
student and teachers in a writing programme, about school-related or other
topics of interest to student.
Dialogue journals may be used to develop writing skills, to enable teachers
to assess the value of a course or get student feedback and to develop
fluency in writing.
see learning log

diary study n
(in second language acquisition) a regularly kept journal or written
record of a learner’s language development, often kept as part of a long-
itudinal study (see longitudinal method) of language learning. In
many diary studies, the researcher and the diarist are the same person,
and the diarist records examples of his or her own linguistic productions,
hypotheses about the target language, information about the com-
municative setting involved (i.e. the participants, the purpose, etc.), and
information concerning affect. In other studies, a researcher analyzes
diaries kept by one or more learners who may or may not have been
given guidance about what to include. Diary studies are often used to
supplement other ways of collecting data, such as through the use of
experimental techniques.

diary study
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