discovery learning n
alsoinquiring-based learning
(in education) an approach to teaching and learning which is based on the
following principles:
a Learners develop processes associated with discovery and inquiry
by observing, inferring, formulating hypotheses, predicting and
b Teachers use a teaching style which supports the processes of discovery
and inquiry.
c Textbooks are not the sole resources for learning.
d Conclusions are considered tentative and not final.
e Learners are involved in planning, conducting, and evaluating their own
learning with the teacher playing a supporting role.
A number of language teaching approaches make use of discovery based
approaches to learning, particularly communicative language teaching (see
communicative approach) and the silent way.
discrete adjdiscreteness n
(of a linguistic unit) having clearly defined boundaries.
In phonology, the distinctive sound units of a language (the phonemes)
are considered to be discrete units. For example, the English word pin
would consist of three such units: /p /, /i/, and /n/.
discrete item n
in language teaching, a learning item such as a sound , word, or sentence
pattern, that is isolated and practised out of context in order to give particular
attention to the item itself. Later it may be practised in context. For example
the teacher may drill a specific sound contrast using minimal pairs, and
later practise the sound contrast in a dialogue.
discrete-point test n
a language test that measures knowledge of individual language items, such as
a grammar test with different sections on tenses, adverbs, and prepositions.
Discrete-point tests are based on the theory that language consists of different
parts (e.g. grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary) and different skills
(e.g. listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and these are made up of
elements that can be tested separately. Tests consisting of multiple-
choice itemsare usually discrete-point tests. Discrete-point tests can be
contrasted with integrative tests.
discriminant validity n
also divergent validity
discovery learning