
(Chris Devlin) #1

domain^2 n
see projection(principle)

domain^3 n
in planning goals and objectivesfor an educational programme, the par-
ticular area or aspect of learning an objective or set of objectives is designed
to address. Three general domains of objectives are often distinguished.
1 cognitive domain:objectives which have as their purpose the develop-
ment of students’ intellectual abilities and skills
2 affective domain:objectives which have as their purpose the develop-
ment of students’ attitudes, feelings and values
3 psychomotor domain:objectives which have as their purpose the
development of students’ motor and co-ordination abilities and skills.
see also bloom’s taxonomy

domain^4 n
see domain-referenced test(ing)

domain-referenced test(ing) n
a specific type of criterion-referenced testwhere a test taker’s perfor-
mance is measured against a domainor a well-defined set of instructional
objectives to assess how much of the domain a test taker has learned.

dominant discourse n
see discourse

dominant language n
the language that one uses most often and is most competent in. In trans-
lationand interpretation, this is often considered more appropriate
as an indication of a translator’s or interpreter’s ability than terms such as
first languageor mother tongue.
see language dominance

dominate v
see node

dorsal n, adj
see velar

dorsum n
see place of articulation

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