
(Chris Devlin) #1

Drills are less commonly used in communicative methodologies since it
is argued that they practise pseudo-communication and do not involve
meaningful interaction.

D-structure n
(in Government/Binding Theory) an abstract level of sentence representa-
tion where semantic roles such as agent (the doer of an action) and patient
(the entity affected by an action) are assigned to the sentence. Agent is
sometimes also referred to as the logical subjectand patient as the themeof
the sentence. For example (in simplified form):
Vera shoot intruder
agent or logical patient or theme
The next level of sentence representation is the S-structurewhere syntactic/
grammatical cases such as nominative/grammatical subject and accusative/
grammatical object are assigned. For example (in simplified form):
Vera (agent) shoot intruder (patient/theme)
grammatical subject grammatical object
The phonetic form(PF) component and the logical form(LF) component
are then needed to turn the S-structure into a surface sentence. The phonetic
form (PF) component presents the S-structure as sound, and the logical
form (LF) component gives the syntactic meaning of the sentence.
The concepts of semantic roles and grammatical cases and their inter-
relation have been used in first and second language acquisition research
(see q-theory)

an abbreviation for Diploma in Teaching English as a Foreign Language to
Adults(UCLES). Now replaced by DELTA.

dual adj n
see language universal

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