empty “it ” n
The function of “it” when there is no specific reference but “it” refers
forward to something.
Itis very cold outside today (“It” refers to the weather).
Itis getting late (“It” refers to the time).
empty word n
see content word
enabling skills n
another term for micro-skills
encoding nencode v
the process of turning a message into a set of symbols, as part of the act of
In encoding speech, the speaker must:
a select a meaning to be communicated
b turn it into linguistic form using semantic systems (e.g. concepts, pro-
positions, grammatical systems (e.g. words, phrases, clauses), and
phonological systems (e.g. phonemes, syllables).
Different systems of communication make use of different types of symbols
to encode messages (e.g. pictorial representation, Morse code, drum beats).
see also decoding
encoding specificity principle n
a principle of memorythat states that memory is improved when the
information available at the time of encoding is also available at retrieval.
For example, if one has learned a language in natural settings, it can be
quite difficult to recall specific vocabulary words when removed from
the environment in which they were learned.
endangered language n
a language that is in danger of falling out of use to such a degree that it
ceases to have any native speakers and becomes extinct. UNESCO’s Atlas
of the World’s Languages in Danger currently divides languages into
“unsafe,” “definitely endangered,” and “severely endangered” languages.
It is estimated that more than half of the world’s languages are endangered
to some degree.
En-form n
a term referring to the past participle form of a verb in English, e.g. fallen.