I promise the sun will set today cannot be considered as a true promise,
because we can only make promises about future acts which are under our
control. The felicity conditions necessary for promises are:
a A sentence is used which states a future act of the speaker.
b The speaker has the ability to do the act.
c The hearer prefers the speaker to do the act rather than not to do it.
d The speaker would not otherwise usually do the act.
e The speaker intends to do the act.
feminine adj
see gender^2
feminist linguisticsn
the application of several aspects of linguistic theory (for example, seman-
tics, pragmatics, and discourse analysis) to the study of topics such
as differences between men’s and women’s language, language and social
oppression, and the ways in which gendered identity varies from context to
an abbreviation for form-focused episode
field n
see lexical field
field dependence nfield dependent adj
a learning style in which a learner tends to look at the whole of a learning
task which contains many items. The learner has difficulty in studying a
particular item when it occurs within a “field” of other items.
A field independentlearning style is one in which a learner is able to identify
or focus on particular items and is not distracted by other items in the back-
ground or context.
Field dependence and independence have been studied as a difference of
cognitive stylein language learning.
field experiences n
(in teacher education) opportunities which are provided for student teachers
to participate in real teaching situations, i.e. which involve student teachers
teaching students in a school or classroom and which enable him or her to
assume the role of a teacher, to gain teaching experience, and to experience
teaching as a profession.