
(Chris Devlin) #1

holistic evaluationn
(in teaching composition) a method of evaluating writing in which the
composition is viewed as a whole rather than as distinct parts.

holistic rating scalen
in testing, a scale in which different activities are included over several
bands to produce a multiple activity scale.

holistic scoringn
a method of scoring where a single score is assigned to writing or speaking
samples on the basis of an overall impressionistic assessment of the test
taker’s performance on a writing or speaking task as a whole.
see also analytic scoring

a single word which functions as a complex idea or sentence. Holophrastic
speech is one of the first stages in children’s acquisition of speech.
For example:
Holophrases intended meaning
Water! I want some water.
More. Give me some more.

home–school language switchn
used in referring to the language used in a school setting to describe the need
to change (“switch”) from one language spoken at home to another used as
the medium of instruction at school.
see also bilingual education, immersion programme

homogeneous classn
seeheterogeneous class

words which are written in the same way but which are pronounced differ-
ently and have different meanings.
For example, the English words lead/lipd/ in Does this road lead to town?
and lead / led / in Lead is a heavy metal, are homographs. Homographs are
sometimes called homonyms.
see also homophones

homonyms^1 n
see homographs

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