agreement^1 n
in general, two elements agree if they have at least one feature in common.
For example, in English the third person singular subject Johnin the
sentence John goes to work earlymust be followed by the form of the verb
gothat is also marked for third person singular. In some languages, such as
Spanish and Arabic, adjectives must agree in both gender and number with
the nouns they modify. A traditional term for agreement is concord.
In government/binding theory, agreement is considered to be the
relation between a specifier head (AGR) and its specifier. Agreement in this
sense includes both subject-verb agreement and assignment of structural
agreement^2 n
another term for concord
AI n
an abbreviation for artificial intelligence
an abbreviation for Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée /
International Association of Applied Linguistics
aim n
see objective
alertness n
see attention
alexia n
see aphasia
algorithm n
an explicit set of instructions that specify in detail the steps to go through
in order to perform some operation. For example, changing a declarative
sentence such as She went to the storeinto an interrogative sentence Where
did she go?according to a series of steps as a classroom exercise is an example
of applying an algorithm.
alienable possession n
see inalienable possession