
(Chris Devlin) #1

integrative testn
an integrative test is one that requires a test taker to use several language
skills at the same time, such as a dictation test, which requires the learner to
use knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and listening comprehension.
see discrete-point test

the degree to which a message can be understood. Studies of speech percep-
tionhave found that the intelligibility of speech is due to various factors
including accent^3 and intonation, the listener’s ability to predict parts of
the message, the location of pausesin the utterance, the grammatical com-
plexity of sentences, and the speed with which utterances are produced.

a class of words, generally adverbs, which are used to modify gradable
adjectives, adverbs, verbs, or -ed. participles, as in:
It is verygood.
It was completelydestroyed.
I absolutelydetest it.
see also gradable

intensive coursen
a language course that takes place over a short period of time but which
consists of a high number of hours of instruction.

intensive language programmen
also intensive English programme, service English programme
a language programme designed to prepare international students or other
students needing language instruction to take regular academic courses at a

intensive readingn
see extensive reading

intentional learningn
see incidental learning

the way in which a language is used by interlocutors.

interactional and transactional functions of languagen
a distinction that is sometimes made between uses of language where the
primary focus is on social interaction between the speakers and the need to

interactional and transactional functions of language
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