Kinesthetic learner
for example, is an important factor in being able to speak clearly. If this
kinesthetic feedback is interfered with (e.g. as a result of a dental injection
which causes the tongue to lose sensation), our speech may become slurred.
The other kind of feedback which is used to monitor our communication is
auditory feedback.
Kinesthetic learner n
a learning style that favors learning through carrying out a physical activity
rather than learning by listening or watching.
see learning style
see dialect levelling
Knowledge About Languagen
in teacher education andteacher cognitiontheory, any kind of know-
ledge about language that teachers make use of in their teaching, such as
knowledge of grammar, language use, and second language learning.
An important issue in teacher education is the kind of KAL that should
form part of the knowledge base of language teacher education as well
as the extent to which teachers access and use such knowledge in their
an abbreviation for Kuder-Richardson formula 20
an abbreviation for Kuder-Richardson formula 21
K through 12n
also K-12
in the US, the period of schooling from kindergarten through to grade 12 – the
final year of high school.
Kuder-Richardson formulasn
measures of internal consistency used in estimating the reliabilityof a test
with items that are dichotomously scored (i.e. scored 1 for correct responses
or 0 for incorrect responses). There are two types of the Kuder-Richardson
formulas: Kuder-Richardson formula 20 (KR20)and Kuder-Richardson
formula 21 (KR21). KR20 is based on information about (a) the number
of items on the test, (b) the difficulty of the individual items, and (c) the