
(Chris Devlin) #1
In general, if test takers receive similar scores on alternate forms of a test,
this suggests that the test is reliable (see reliability).

alternate response item n
see test item

alternation nalternant n
the relationship between the different forms of a linguistic unit is called
alternation. The term is used especially in morphology and in phonology.
For example, the related vowels /ip/ and /e/ in:
deceive /dicsipv/ deception /dicsepàvn/
receive /ricsipv/ reception /ricsepàvn/
are in alternation.
The allophones of a phonemeand the allomorphs of a morpheme are
also in alternation, or alternants.

alternation rules n
see speech styles

alternative n
see multiple-choice item

alternative assessment n
various types of assessment procedures that are seen as alternatives or
complements to traditional standardized testing. Traditional modes of
assessment are thought not to capture important information about test
takers’ abilities in a L2 and are also not thought to reflect real-life con-
ditions. Procedures used in alternative assessment include self-assessment,
peer assessment, portfolios, learner diaries or journals, student–teacher
conferences, interviews, and observation.
see authentic assessment,performance assessment

alternative hypothesis n
see hypothesis

alveolar adj
describes a speech sound (a consonant) which is produced by the front of
the tongue touching or nearly touching the gum ridge behind the upper
teeth (the alveolar ridge).
For example, in English the /t / in /tin/ tin, and the /d/ in /din/ din are
alveolar stops.

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