
(Chris Devlin) #1
f selection of learning experiences
gevaluation of learning.

mean utterance lengthn
another term for mean length of utterance

measurement errorn
another term for error of measurement

mechanical drilln
see meaningful drill

mechanical translationn
another term for machine translation

(in composition) those aspects of writing such as spelling, use of apostro-
phes, hyphens, capitals, abbreviations and numbers, which are often dealt
with in the revision or editing stages of writing (see composing pro-
cesses). These may be compared with more global or higher level dimen-
sions of writing, such as organization, coherence, or rhetorical structure.
see scheme

a general term for television, radio and newspapers considered as a whole
and as ways of entertaining or spreading news or information to a large
number of people. In language teaching, teaching materials which involve
the use of different kinds of media such as visual and printed media, are
sometimes known as multi mediaor mixed media.

occurring in the middle of a linguistic unit.
For example, in English the /i/ in /pit / pit is in a medial position in the word.
see also initial, final

the value of the middle item or score when the scores in a sample are
arranged in order from lowest to highest. The median is therefore the score
that divides the sample into two equal parts. It is the most appropriate
measure of the central tendencyfor data arranged in an “ordinal scale”
or a “rank scale” (see scale).
see also mean, mode

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