
(Chris Devlin) #1


N n
(in testing and statistics) a symbol for the number of students, subjects,
scores, or observations involved in a study (as in, e.g., N =15).

also N-bar
see bar notation

also N-double bar
see bar notation

narrative n
1 the written or oral account of a real or fictional story.
2 the genre structure underlying stories.
see story grammar

narrative inquiry n
also narrative research
a procedure used in research on teacher cognition and teacher education as
well as other disciplines, in which teachers’ stories and personal narratives
are used both as a way for teachers to articulate their knowledge and prac-
tices and as a way of formulating their practical knowledge (practitioner
knowledge). Teachers’ stories about their development as teachers, about
critical incidents in teaching as well as other aspects of their professional
experience are used as processes for teacher reflection and development, as
techniques for collecting data on teaching, and as a way of legitimizing
teachers’ knowledge.

narrative text n
see text types

narrative writing n
see modes of writing

narrow transcription n
see transcription

nasal n
a sound (consonant or vowel) produced by lowering the soft palate
so that there is no velic closure and air may go out through the nose. For

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