
(Chris Devlin) #1
test. Tests that consist of true–false and multiple-choice items are
examples of objective tests.

objective test item n
a test item that requires the choice of a single correct answer, such as a
multiple-choice item or a true–false item.

object of comparative relative clause n
another term for comparative relative clause

object of preposition relative clause n
also OPREP
see noun phrase accessibility hierarchy

object of result n
also affected object
an object of a verb which refers to something that is produced through the
action indicated by the verb, e.g. a cake in:
Terry baked a cake.
as the cake is the result of the baking. However, in:
Terry baked a potato.
a potatois not an object of result as it is not produced by baking. It is,
however, affected by baking, and so may be called an affected object.
see also factitive case

object relative clause n
also direct object relative clause, DO
see noun phrase accessibility hierarchy

observation n
in language classrooms, the purposeful examination of teaching and /or
learning events through systematic processes of data collection and analysis.
Observation of teaching is a widely used activity in teacher education

observational methods n
(in research) procedures and techniques that are based on systematic obser-
vation of events, e.g. using audio and video recorders, check lists, etc.
Observational methods are often used in studying language use and class-
room events.
see also ethnography of communication

observational methods
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