bby referring backwards to something already mentioned:
There is a man waiting outside. Who, the manin the brown coat?
c by referring forward to something:
The chairin the living room is broken.
dby referring to something as a group or class:
The lionis a dangerous animal.
The main use of the indefinite article in English is to show that the noun
refers to something general or to something which has not been identified
by the speaker, e.g.:
aby referring to one example of a group or class:
Pass me a pencil, please.
bby referring to something as an example of a group or class:
A dog is a friendly animal.
When nouns are used without an article in English, this is sometimes called
zero article. For example:
Cats like sleeping.
Silveris a precious metal,
see also determiner
articulation narticulate v
the production of speech sounds in the mouth and throat (see vocal
tract). In describing and analyzing speech sounds a distinction is
made between the manner of articulation and the place of
articulator n
a part of the mouth, nose, or throat which is used in producing speech, e.g.
the tongue, lips, alveolar ridge, etc.
see also place of articulation
articulatory loop n
see working memory
articulatory phonetics n
see phonetics
articulatory setting n
the overall posture, position or characteristic movements of the organs of
speech typical of a particular language or dialect. For example, speakers
of English make much more active use of both lip and tongue movements
than speakers of some languages ( Japanese, for example), while Arabic has
articulatory setting