
(Chris Devlin) #1
example, to make (someone or something) appear or feel youngeris a para-
phrase of the English verb rejuvenate. Dictionary definitions often take the
form of paraphrases of the words they are trying to define.

also teacher’s aid
a non-certified adult who helps teachers in the classroom. In some ESL
classrooms such persons may be adults from the students’ home language

any apparatus that parses. For example, in corpus linguistics, a parser is
a computer program that adds syntactic analysis to a corpus, identifying
subjects, verbs, objects, etc., as well as more complex syntactic information.
In psycholinguistics, the parser is viewed as a psychological process that
operates on input and produces a structural description as part of the process
of comprehension.

the operation of assigning linguistic structure to a sentence or phrase.
Parsing is a well-established technique of traditional grammar.
For example, the sentence The noisy frogs disturbed uscan be parsed
as follows:
subject verb object
The noisy frogs disturbed us
definite adjective noun verb ((past pronoun
article (plural) tense) (1st-person)

partial replication n
see replication

a person who is present in a speech event and whose presence may have an
influence on what is said and how it is said. He or she may actually take part
in the exchange of speech or be merely a silent participant; for example, as
part of an audience to whom a political speech is made.
see also interlocutors

participant observationn
(in qualitative research) a procedure in which the researcher or
observer takes part in the situation he or she is studying (hence the term

participant observation
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