
(Chris Devlin) #1

past participlen

past perfectn
see perfect

past tensen
the form of a verb which is usually used to show that the act or state
described by the verb occurred at a time before the present. For example,
in English:
present tense past tense
is was
walk walked
try tried
The form of the past which is used without an auxiliary verb (e.g. I left,
he wept) is sometimes known as the simple past or preterite.

path analysisn
a statistical procedure to test a researcher’s theory of the causal relationships
among a set of observed (or manifest) variables by analyzing hypothesized
causal effects among variables.

patient 9 -rolen
see q-theory/theta theory

pattern practicen

also hesitation phenomena
a commonly occurring feature of natural speech in which gaps or hesitations
appear during the production of utterances. The commonest types of
pauses are:
a silent pauses: silent breaks between words
b filled pauses: gaps which are filled by such expressions as um, er, mm.
People who speak slowly often use more pauses than people who speak
quickly. When people speak, up to 50% of their speaking time may be made
up of pauses.
see also fluency

an abbreviation for parallel distributed processing

past participle
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